Tuesday 3 April 2012

Dental Cyst

Cyst is one of the most insidious, sneaking illness capable of causing serious problems. A cyst is a fluid filled sac or pouch,fluid, inflamed tissue.Dental cystsysts may derive from the incorrect development of the tissues responsible for odontogenesis. If not treated, infectious fluids may be reabsorbed and spread infection to other parts of the body. Cysts can form in a wide range of tissues in the face and mouth jaws and also extended around teeth.

Dental cysts form at the tip of the roots of dead teeth and also around the crowns and roots of buried teeth. Every teeth in the mouth can develop dental cysts.

Dental Cysts Causes

1. Can causing pain and swelling

2. Can weaken the Jaws

3. Can Stress against other teeth and structures

4. Can prevent the normal functioning of teeth and mouth tissues

Types of Cysts

1. Periapical Cyst: Cysts which are present at root apex.

2. Lateral Radicular Cyst: Cysts Present at the opening of lateral accessory root canals of offending tooth.

3. Residual Cyst: Cysts Which remains even after extraction of offending tooth.

4. Traumatic cysts: Deriving from a Trauma or Wound in Oral parts.


Cyst Diagnosis

1. Radicular Cyst

2. Periapical Granuloma

3. Traumatic Bone Cyst

4. Globulomaxillary Cyst

5. Aneurysmal Bone Cyst

6. Mandibular Infected Buccal Cyst


1. Endodontic Treatment: Peripheral lesions including radicular cysts are eliminated by body once the causative agents are removed. Majority of radicular cysts can undergo resolutions following Root Canal Treatment. It is suggested that insertion of file or other root canal instrument beyond the apical foramen produces transitory acute inflammation which may destroy epithelial lining of radicular cyst & convert it in to granuloma.

2. Surgical Treatments :

          Enucleation- The affected tooth is extracted or preserved by root canal treatment with apicocetomy. A mucoperiosteal flap over cyst is raised & a window is opened in the bone to give adequate access. The cyst is carefully separated from its bony wall. The entire cyst is removed intact. the edges of bony cavity are smoothened off.Mucoperiosteal flap is replaced back and sutured in place.

          Marsupialisation- The cyst is opened essentially as for enucleation but the epithelial lining is sutured to mucous membrane at margins of opening. The aim is to produce a self-cleansing cavity, which becomes an invagination of oral tissues. The cavity is initially packed with ribbon gauze & after margins are healed a plug or extension of denture is made to close the openings. However, there are always chances of closing the orifice & reformation of cyst. The main application is for temporary decompression of exceptionally large cyst where fracture of jaw is a risk factor. When enough new bone is formed, cyst can be enucleated.

Consult a doctor If you have any Cyst problems     
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